Jay & Cory Fiset
We met in high school. We were teenagers. We just celebrated our 28th Wedding Anniversary and are now experiencing more JOY, LOVE and SEX than we EVER have…in 35 years of knowing one another…
How the intentional & supported use of Medicine Journeys saved our 25 year marriage
The difference between "Recreational, intentional and Therapeutic" use of psychedelics/medicine
The 3 different categories of medicine and why when people say they have "tried" psychedelics it may not be what YOU think it is...
The power of Ritual for integration and reinvention of ourselves and our relationship
"I journaled pages and pages this morning of our weekend and as we drove home I read it to my partner only to witness tears flow….what a sacred journey. Already can’t wait until what the next connection weekend reveals and for now we are excited to bring the many gifts to our relationship and our lives."
"The medicine took me everywhere and I loved every moment as I had my beautiful queen by my side as I touched my edges. My heart is fuller then it has been in many years. Really seeing myself for all of who I am. Thank you for holding such incredible space and the medicine for showing us who we truly are."
It takes the fight or flight off line. Which for me meant that fear and anxiety were off line and no longer running the show. For my husband it meant that self judgment was off line. It was absolutely otherworldly to experience our true selves and our true love for each other without all the other baggage that can accumulate after years of being together.
It confirmed that we chose wisely 25 years ago when we married. It helped us appreciate everything we've been through together. It gave us access to everything our relationship can be.
Life changing. Do. It. Now. You won't regret it.
V. H.