The Connection Experience

Psychedelic Journey Info, Resources & FAQ

The following is a brief collection of content from short form articles to complete books, research organizations and more. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but they are some of our favorites to begin the conversation and provide context.

Most of the time these resources help people understand the possibility, the science, the risks and the potential value of participating.

However, generally a personal conversation is required to apply the "theory" to your present personal circumstances.

We would be happy to jump on a quick exploration call to discuss suitability and answer any questions you may have.

You can book a 30 min call using this link:

Or reach out to Jay on Signal, a private, secure chat platform (search by: Jay Fiset 403 620 0397). You can read about and download Signal here:


Jay & Cory


MAPS - Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

The Third Wave


A Dose of Hope - Dr. Dan Engle and Alex Young

Listening To Ecstasy: The Transformative Power of MDMA - Charles Wininger

Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work

How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence - Micheal Pollen

Mastering Microdosing: How to Use Sub-Perceptual Psychedelics to Heal Trauma, Improve Performance, and Transform Your Life

Context and Reference:

There are 3 main categories of psychedelics this article does a decent job of distinguishing and describing them.

The Connection Experience FAQ

I am ALL IN, but my partner is scared, unsure and concerned...How do I talk to him or her about the experience?

This is totally common and took us over 6 years to actually experience the medicine from finding out about it the first time...

This is something that each person must make their own choice about, and that choice MUST be honored and respected...this is NOT for everyone!This is an out of the box patient and provide the following:

  1. Why this is important to YOU and what you hope and believe it can do for each of you and your relationship.

  2. Share the contextual information - MDMA being recognized as a "Breakthrough" drug by the FDA, the trend to legalization, the impact that it has specifically on couples.

  3. Find out what their concerns are, legal issues, quality and safety of the medicine, being asked to work on/save a relationship that they are done with, could I get addicted etc.

  4. We will help you provide all the information needed for your partner (happy to jump on a call to answer all these things directly)

  5. Give some time and space for a decision and agree how long that will be.

Is my experience of "Connection, intimacy and LOVE" even real in an altered state??

This is a great question!!In the words of my wife Cory "This is my true self. This me me without the worries, stress and anxiety." In fact, we have come to call the medicine "Truth Serum" because it shines a light on what is REALLY THERE... peels away the stories, justifications, patterns and friction of life that get in our way of TRUE INTIMATE CONNECTION...

In short it is MORE REAL than our day to day lives where we are covered and protected by our beliefs and conscious/unconscious needs for safety and acceptance...usually at the cost of AUTHENTICITY, TRUE CONNECTION and LOVE!

I have never done Psychedelics...what can I expect?

The medicine is both an empathogen and an entactogen...which means that you will feel an incredible heart opening and physical touch is spectacular.

  1. The stored serotonin is released in your brain, and it blocks the serotonin re-uptake the feeling of (love, peace, joy, connection) is incredibly enhanced. In that process the thoughts, worries, stresses of the day or life are washed away, and you become hyper focused on what and who is in front of you...this is why intention is so vitally important in your connection experience.

  2. The amygdala "fear center" of the brain is taken "offline" which allows for the ability to talk about things that in a normal state might be exceptionally triggering...but in this state you can see them honestly, more objectively, with greater empathy and compassion than you ever felt possible...This also creates a space where suppressed and repressed memories can surface...which again is why we do a rigorous intake process to support couples to make an informed decision about participating.

  3. Touch will feel spectacular 'for many people'...imagine the most amazing touch that you ever received/ times that by 10 +!! Tickles, massage, kissing, foreplay, intercourse...any and all (consensual) touching feels AMAZING...and is magnified by the open heart and loving bubble created by both of you being in the same space at the same time...There are times where this is not the experience, and this is when conversation and communication take precedence over touch.

  4. Your body will increase in temperature...we usually set the AC on high during our adventures (It is vitally important to drink LOTS of water)

  5. Your heart rate will increase depending on the person 10 - 20%...and there are times when a client is quite anxious where the medicine will actually have a calming effect...

  6. You will not want to sleep while the medicine is active...and you will really welcome sleep when the medicine passes.

  7. It is normal for the next day to be a relaxed, rejuvenate and integration do not want to get right back into the fray of life. Give yourself some space.

  8. Some people can experience a couple of "low or blue days" after using the medicine, thought to be created by low serotonin levels but it is not that common, and we provide supplements after the experience to mitigate those potential effects.

  9. Another common experience is the clenching of teeth which can cause your jaw to be sore the next day, we will provide you a supplement (magnesium) that helps to alleviate the clenching and if you like gum chewing some gum on your journey can make a significant difference.

Will I lose control?

There is ZERO loss of control and is more like the frictions of life, the busyness in our heads is replaced by presence, complete focus and the experience of LOVE for our partners...Total control, just hyper focused on what is in front of us...not the worry and mechanics of our life and the world.

Can I become addicted?

Psychedelics are ANTI addictive...MDMA specifically if you overuse/ simply stops working

MDMA releases stored it too often, there is no serotonin and no effect...therefore cannot become addicted...

With intentional/ceremonial use this is something that (assuming it supported you both) you would do maybe 2-4 times a YEAR... not every weekend... so no you do not have to worry about becoming addicted.

What if one or both of us is on SSRI anti-depressants. Can we still participate?

SSRI's and our preferred medicine ARE NOT COMPATIBLE. The choices are to wean off of the SSRI's prior to The Connection Experience or you can talk to us about an alternative medicine that is also powerful but not precisely the same. If this is a consideration for you, please reach out to us and we will discuss the options in detail.

What about erections for the men? I have heard that Psychedelics can cause erectile difficulties...

Yes the medicine is known to cause erectile difficulties...for most men it is not impossible...but it takes some focus and energy to get an erection. If you are healthy (no high blood pressure or heart issues) we recommend using something like Viagra or Cialis or generic versions thereof...We are happy to provide links to online pharmacies that can provide you what you need without ever having to go into the Dr's office.

Note: Even with an erection please know that sometimes for some people orgasm may or may not be possible...this applies to both sexes.

How Long Does the Medicine Stay in My System?

MDMA has a 1/2 life of 7 hours so it is virtually gone in 48 hours;

  • 0 hours 200 mg

  • 7 hours 100 mg

  • 14 hours 50 mg

  • 21 hours 25 mg

  • 28 hours 12.5 mg

  • 35 hours 6.3 mg

  • 42 hours 3.1 mg

  • 49 hours 1.5 mg

I thought all those "Medicine Journey" dingbats were just too dishonest to say, "I just want to get high!!"

Honestly...this was my view of the "Medicine Journey" people/community for years...

I simply did not get it...

I was wrong. Dead wrong. Heartbreakingly wrong...

The best way to describe this is a pendulum...

The far left is "Recreational Use" and make no mistake that every weekend there are 10's of Millions of people using a range of psychedelics and other conscious altering agents to have fun, escape the daily grind, reduce their inhibitions, enhance their sex life, add some fun to a date, rave...some of these experiences are fun and a great reprieve from folks' day to day existence...

The far right of the pendulum is "therapeutic use" where psychologists & therapists, work powerfully in specific containers for specific issues with specific medicines. For example, in Canada the Government has approved and pays for MDMA assisted therapy for veterans with PTSD. Also, in Canada you can get approval to use Psilocybin to cope with end-of-life issues for people with terminal cancer and of course there are ketamine clinics popping up all over North America to help people with treatment resistant depression as well as chronic pain. There is also an entire underground network of coaches and guides who support people who do not fit in the narrow categories of the current Government mandates. One thing is clear, that the therapeutic process works. This will become more accessible and legal in the next 5 - 10 years.

What we do at "The Connection Experience" is the pendulum in exactly the middle...what we call "Intentional guided/supported use." This is a POWERFUL middle ground that is intended to guide fundamentally healthy individuals and their relationships. We guide and support creating INTENTION for The Connection Experience...we support the couple to create the most powerful "Set & Setting." Set is the mindset/state physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually (internal and external) for each individual. Setting is the environment in which you will have the experience.

In addition, we FERVENTLY believe that "The Connection Experience" is only the only opens the door...The most powerful work is the integration of what you learned, experienced and discovered during the journey into your daily life, into actual practice...Each "TCE" is followed with an in person debriefing the following morning, followed by some writing and integration questions. A few days later we schedule a Zoom Call that includes a formal commitment as to what you are going to apply to yourself and your relationship. You will share this with your partner and with us.

What is the Investment for The Connection Experience and what is included?

We would be happy to share this information in a private call with you and your partner.

Your EPIC Experience includes:

Preparation (Days 1-4)

- Intention setting

(4 days of intention, flirting and anticipation with a short assignment from us texted to you in the AM)

The Journey (Day 5)

- Set and Setting Meeting

- Overnight in a hotel

Debriefing (Day 6)

- Debriefing Breakfast and nurturing day

Post Reflection Journaling (Day 7)

-Writing prompts/questions to complete

Post Reflection Sharing (Day 8)

-Share your writing with your partner.

-Conversations about integration and application.

-What's next for us??

Integration (Days 9-10)

-Zoom Integration call

-Commitment to rituals/application at home

We are currently hosting an intimate group of couples per Experience, so part of your time is shared on the 'Journey Day 'for the Set and Setting Meeting. During the evening you will be on your own with your partner and, don't worry, we will be close by and checking in on you. We will always be available for support and any concerns that may arise.

The Connection Experience - RITUAL

-This is VERY popular with our Couples Community as one experience opens the door, and then you WILL desire to return to explore everything available behind that door.

96% of our participants choose to come back to do The Ritual.

This includes:

FOUR Connection Experiences (with a minimum of 6 weeks in between)


TWO at Home Kits

What is the Investment for The Connection Experience - RITUAL?

We would be happy to share this information in a private call with you and your partner.

We are also available for private one-on-one Journey Experiences:

The Couples Journey

The Personal Journey

Further conversation and a fee for this is discussed at that time.

The Connection Experience (TCE) and all Experiences adhere to the MAPS Code of Ethics for Psychedelic Practitioners.