Why Us?? For your Couples Connection Psychedelic Experience...

Choosing to improve your relationship using Psychedelics is well, lets just say, waaaay out of the box for most couples...

We get it...it took us quite awhile to make the decision as well...

Finding support from a 'certified' guide or at least an 'experienced' guide or who got us, our situation and our concerns was CHALLENGING.

IF you embark on this journey, it is imperative to choose the right Guide(s) for you.

So we thought that we should outline our combined history, experiences and foundation that we bring to the table to truly stand in support of each of your personal transformations and the reinvention of your relationship.

So far, the majority of couples we have worked with have known us in some capacity or been privately referred (Thank You by the Way!!)

We would love to broaden our reach to those who are not friends yet!

Who Are We?

  • We were high school sweethearts and started dating in 1984. Good Lord, 1984!!!

  • We have been in relationship for almost 40 years...not always intimate... we took breaks in our courtship to date other people and get clear about who and what we wanted...and in that time frame we remained friends and supported one another in many ways.

  • We have worked together as Entrepreneurs building multiple 7 figure businesses.

  • In our first company, Personal Best Seminars, we Facilitated and supported 40,000 people through powerful and deep transformational experiential programs.

  • We designed and delivered 3 spectacular Couples programs over the years to hundreds of couples.

    • The Couples Weekend

    • The Rocky Mountain Romantic Retreat

    • The Power Between - A Reset for Couples

  • We are the parents of 2 amazing boys (17 and 12) both of whom were adopted through open adoption and we maintain relationships with both birth families.

  • We have, and are living, the sandwich generation taking care of our aging parents. We have buried 3 out of 4 of them while caring for our 2 sons.

  • Navigated depression (undiagnosed and untreated).

  • Faced great financial difficulty when the sale of our business fell through and we had to step in and clean up huge debt.

  • Experienced distance and the creation of parallel lives that simply grew and grew over a span of approx. 10 years.

  • Faced the truth of our relationship which was in crisis of we cannot go on this way...This clarity and crossroads was a result of Jay's first Medicine Journey

  • This crisis became the turning point and instigated our reinvention in the beginning of 2020.

  • Knowing the POWER of Psychedelic Medicine for our own healing and relationship transformation (like NOTHING else available out there), we started our own process of therapy with one another for a period of two and a half years.

  • During this time, not only did we transform our relationship, but we transformed OURSELVES in all ways. Just some of which are listed below!

  • Physical - Together we lost over 60 lbs, started working out together as one of our daily intimacy and connection rituals

  • Commitment - We rewrote, updated, upgraded and exchanged our marriage vows on our 25th wedding Anniversary to commit to our next 25 years together

  • Communication - We shared/invested over 1000 hours of deep transparent conversation...from a space of true curiosity and a desire to understand ALL of the things that needed to be said...all that we knew...

  • Emotional - Created space for feelings and emotions in a way that we NEVER had before

  • Sensual/Sexual - we over 10 X ed our sexual frequency and 100xed our intensity, depth & satisfaction. While discovering and experiencing a VARIETY of new routes to orgasm for both of us...

  • Alignment - We have (and are currently) in the process of redesigning our entire businesses and life to be in alignment with US vs to simply make money or fulfill old outdated obligations...this will take some time but we really feel like we have cleared the deck of the old and have made way for the new in 2023!!

  • Support - When REAL difficulties surfaced, as in old repressed traumatic memories surfacing, it threw us for a loop...what I am incredibly proud of is that we went and got support....fast...from an expert in the field...and BOTH of us put ALL of us on the line and on the table to heal...not easy, not smooth BUT we showed up for ourselves and each other and voted for US again!

  • Adventure - We have been RELIGIOUS and 100% committed to our "Adventure Nights" every 6 weeks where we simply show up for one another, pour into one another and focus 100% on one another...these Adventures are the mortar that cements US together.

  • Whew - There you have it!!

  • In August of 2022 we received our Guide Certification knowing what our calling was for this sacred work.

  • We started offering our Connection Experience to couples in October, 2022.

  • In Jan 2023 we wound down the lower end/intro programs of our "old" core business JVology to focus on serving and supporting couples to transform themselves and their relationship using Psychedelics as one of the pathways.

Which brings us to the present...a space of creation like NEVER before in our lives...

We are proud to be together, to be engaged in our individual work and our relationship work.We are THRILLED to serve our community of couples who are dedicated to being and doing the same.


We are excited to invite you and your partner to our year long experience "Connected Now & Forever!"

DM us if this sounds of interest to you.

Cabo Dec 1992

San Diego Feb 2020 (just before the start of our reinvention). Looking energetically heavy.

Cabo Sept 2022